Best Offline Marketing Ideas for Brand Promotion
Offline Marketing Agency
When the whole world is having internet in hands then thinking of offline marketing is quite a difficult task. For offline marketing, there must be a strategy and proper planning. The thinking for the business should be out of the box. Initial offline business needs a certain investment, once it starts gaining the attention it turns into a profitable deal. Gingercup has the best marketing ideas for branding and keeping customers intact.
Few planning and strategies are as follows:-
1. Managing Unconventional offline marketing
For the small business, Unconventional marketing leads to the use of developing a new channel. New channel always helps in developing a shrub into a tree.
Unconventional marketing ideas are as follows:-
a. Keep sticky notes in public places such as bars, coffee shop, theatre and many more.

b. Promote your brand on public walls by using chalks.
c. Use pen of your brand in banks, schools, and colleges.
d. Brand bookmarks at the public as well as school library.
e. Banners at a popular area such as club, playground etc.
2. Drop business card
Design a business card which is attractive and attention grasping. The business card needs to be spread everywhere.

3. Design Pamphlets
Design Pamphlets which are short and descriptive, which not only enhance but force the customer to buy the product. Gingercup has come out with the variety of cup decoration such as Bahubali script and other inspirational quotes which in turn lead to a successful advertisement.

4. Taking photos or videos of events
Nowadays people share more than they feel for the event. Sharing the event on social media will give more publicity.
In offline marketing, an album is created for different events photos and a video camera is taken for videos.
5. Appraise with gifts and products
Organize games and festive at your area and distribute prizes which will define the brand. Ask customers to create referrals and honor them with their desired gifts
6. Speak about your Brand
Whenever you meet people in any event such as marriage, baby shower, birthday event then discuss your new business and let them know about the benefits and its daily usage.
For example:- if you have a business of grocery, then you need to explain how it can be widely used and its usage on daily basis.

7. Always opt for different types of marketing
There are many marketing skills for the performer
a. Paid advertising
b. Mouth to mouth publicity
c. Cause marketing
d. Relationship marketing
e. Transactional marketing
f. Undercover marketing
The customer before taking the product always verifies the quality, quantity with its dignified price. If the product is expensive then it must define with its quality otherwise branding will never gain publicity and referrals will decrease day by day.
Promotion of the brand takes place more with mouth publicity than marketing skills.
In offline marketing always keep the business card and stick notes in the pocket. You never know when a great deal is waiting for you.