Boost Your Brand with Custom Printed Paper Cups!
In comparison to other offline brand marketing strategies, custom printed paper cup Ads have a very high success ratio. It becomes a talking point for people.
What are the Uses & benefits of Paper Cups Advertisements?
For promotion, paper cup ads create a positive conception of the brand. Custom printed coffee cup ads offer a great opportunity to expose your brand to a large number of people in a cost-effective way.
The uses and benefits of paper cup ads are plenty. Tea and coffee being among the most consumed beverages in the world have the potential to grab the attention of the target audience instantly. By turning to paper cup ads, you not only build awareness through repeated impressions, but also achieve a positive brand marketing perception as your marketing message is associated with a warm beverage.
By marketing brands on paper cup ads, GingerCup is conserving the environment by prompting the use of paper cups over plastic cups. We also help brands gain visibility by including QR codes, website details and coupon codes on the paper cup ads.
Custom Printed Paper Cups with Ads Label
In the modern world, the competitiveness is much more than anyone can imagine. If you truly want to stand out, your brand marketing plan has to be pretty darn good. Among the many ways is brand merchandising.
Today, businesses are resorting to various branding tools to spread the word about their offerings. One such medium to attract potential clients is custom printed paper cup ads.
Paper cups with ad labels have the potential to make a product sell. Marketing does not always have to be expensive. By using every day products such as a paper cup, paper bag or paper napkin, a brand can create a niche for itself. Getting your promotion right the first time is what sets you apart from your competitors.
Beverages are a common product in offices, streets and shopping malls. Whenever your client moves around with a custom printed paper cup ad, your brand moves with them! This is a great way to advertise to onlookers. They become more interested to know about your product or service.
The modern world of brand marketing and promotion is volatile. If you want to win, you need to put your best foot forward. This is when your company will achieve success.
Cup Branding with innovative Ideas and creative Artwork
Apart from being purposeful, paper cup ads brew creativity. Contrary to a plain white boring paper cup, promotion paper cups have the power to invite people towards a brand. If an ad is creatively placed on a paper cup, it is bound to impress creativity lovers.
It also helps the target audience recognise and connect with a brand at a personal, innovative and engaging level.
Today, a lot of attention is paid to visual creativity. Coffee shop chains are specially hiring doodling artists to customise paper cups.
Promotion paper cups are not just left for its intended purpose but are a great choice for paper cup advertising as well.
When paper cup ads are branded creatively, it instantly changes the mood in an office. Nowadays, sharing quirky and innovative things on social media has become very common. When you put your brand marketing on an innovative medium like this, automatically more people become eager to learn about your offerings.
Another way to innovatively using paper cup ads for brand marketing is by attaching a product sample or coupon code. It is an added advantage to draw more people to your promotion campaign. 80% of associates recall seeing the sleeve of a custom printed paper cup ad when a sample is attached.
How Branded Paper Cups are Useful in Promotion?
Today, there are a large number of brand marketing strategies available. However, the need of the hour is to find a medium that is customised and can be used for promotion effectively. Paper cup advertising is one such medium that provides a brand with the required exposure. It kindles brand recall since the graphics and content printed on the paper cup ad is likely to be discussed and acted upon if a call to action is provided. It is one such offline medium where the chances of getting unnoticed are very less.
If for promotion and brand marketing a company uses flyers or brochures, chances are they may be thrown away without being read. With their favourite beverage in their hand, they do spend 5-7 minutes consuming it, thus giving ample time for the custom printed ad to be noticed.

Today, most business start-ups have limited resources. On one hand, they have to manage their business and on the other they have to deploy brand marketing tactics to spread the word about their business. Using paper cup advertising can help companies save a lot on advertising and promotion costs. Even with a narrow budget, the benefits are plenty.
The medium of custom printed paper cup ads provides undivided exposure for a brand. In a corporate setting where employees a prone to getting their coffee kick every now and then, paper cup ads are fool proof. During this time, when they have absolutely no disturbance, the paper cup ad does the talking for your brand. Branded paper cups also helps in targeting the right set of people. It is a targeted form of advertising.
If a tuition service has to be advertised, custom printed paper cups can be distributed all over colleges in a particular city to reach students and teachers.
What & how you may wonder? Well, cup brand marketing has the ability to take your advertising campaign in the palms of thousands of people every single day. Paper cup ads are also the perfect medium for a multi-channel campaign.
Brand Engagement in Tea Breaks
After water, tea and coffee is the most consumed beverage around the world. These two beverages have the aura to gather a large group of people around it. Whether it’s a business meeting in an organisation, lunch break or simple socialising, tea and coffee is an important part. Leveraging on this, GingerCup makes brands a part of tea breaks with paper cup ads.
In India, tea time is a very feel good and personal moment. During tea breaks in offices, colleges and tea stalls, a lot of discussion brews around random things. People also tend to debate on the content being advertised on the promotion paper cup ad. The further increases brand marketing and engagement during tea breaks.
Branded paper cups become the point of discussion in most corporate settings. This increases exposure for the brand, and even urges people to take a call to action. This can take the form of scanning a QR code, visiting the website, availing a coupon or offer or simply clicking the custom printed paper cup ad and uploading on their social media handle.
No other medium has the ability to engage with a target group so close other than paper cup ad brand marketing.